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The Benefits of Commercial Food Waste Recycling

Exploring The Advantages Of Commercial Food Waste Recycling

The Benefits of Commercial Food Waste Recycling

On average, it’s estimated that people across the UK waste around 9.5 million tonnes of food per year – one of the highest figures in Europe. Not only is it morally wrong to waste so much food when so many people around the world go hungry, but it’s bad for the environment too. 

One way that businesses are looking to tackle this figure is through commercial food waste recycling. But what are the benefits of commercial food waste recycling? And how does it work? The team at Bio Collectors is here to talk you through the process.


How is food waste recycled?

In an ideal world, all surplus food would be redistributed to those in need or reused as animal feed. However, sometimes this just isn’t possible, leaving food waste recycling as the most environmentally friendly option available. 

So how does it work? Firstly, you’ll need to enlist the services of a trusted commercial food waste management company, like Bio Collectors, to transport your food waste to an anaerobic digestion plant. Upon arrival, your waste will be sorted and inorganic materials, like any plastic or packaging, will be removed. Once this is complete, your food waste will be put into a temperature controlled tank, where microorganisms will break it down to produce biogas, which can then be used as a renewable energy source.


Benefits of commercial food waste recycling

  • Saves money 

If your business disposes of waste via landfill, you’ll typically pay a gate fee to the landfill operator. This is usually calculated based on the quantity of waste you’re disposing of so the more waste, the higher the overall cost. By recycling your food waste, you reduce the amount you’re sending to landfill and, therefore, save your business money – it’s a win-win!

  • Reduces your carbon footprint

Many people assume that, as food is biodegradable, it can harmlessly break down in landfill. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. As food waste rots, it releases methane, which in turn increases greenhouse gas emissions – a direct contributor towards climate change. By recycling food waste, the methane can be extracted in a controlled environment so that it doesn’t enter the atmosphere, thus cutting your carbon footprint significantly, 

  • Creates renewable resources

As we’ve covered above, the process of anaerobic digestion creates biogas – a renewable, green energy source. When this is pumped into the National Grid, it can be used to produce electricity or heat. But that’s not the only resource produced; the leftover materials can also be transformed into a nutrient-rich fertiliser that supports the growth of new plants, feeding back into the food waste cycle.

  • Improves your business’ image

With sustainable practices becoming more and more common, many consumers are now being more selective when choosing which businesses to support, often opting for those making a genuine effort to minimise their environmental impact. By recycling food waste, your business is improving its brand image and demonstrating a commitment towards working in a more sustainable way – these green credentials might even gain you some new customers.

  • What is the food recycling law in the UK?

Under new government plans as part of the Environment Act 2021, all businesses and non-domestic premises with 10 or more full-time employees will need to separate dry recycling and food waste for recycling by the 31st of March 2025. Businesses with less than 10 employees will have until the 31st of March 2027 before this rule comes into effect.

Here at Bio Collectors, we can help you take advantage of the benefits that commercial food waste recycling offers by transforming your waste into energy that powers properties up and down the country. Get in touch with us today to arrange your commercial food waste collection in London or the areas surrounding the M25.

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